Start of the fishing trip – conditions
It was a sunny early morning at Newhaven where I met the crew at the Fort Road Cafe at 0800. The crew were ready and fit to go after sustenance at the cafe. The crew came from London and were booked to go out and fish for Tope or the School Shark. Our waters this time of year off Sussex produce some of the largest specimens in the UK.

Straight to the mark.
I knew there were mackerel in abundance on this particular mark so there was no need to stop to pick up live bait. Tope responds best when presented with fresh fish caught that day.

Large Tope sharks with large baits.
Tope fishing is aways my favourite trip to take people on this time of year. My crew on arrival at the mark quickly put mackerel feathers over the side catching strings of mackerel to use as bait almost instantly. We then put down the Tope shark rigs with fresh fish baits and 30 minutes later we were into our first school shark of the day, a good size at around 50 Lbs.

Other species were caught today.
During the day there was also a constant flow of other greedy species that also decided to devour whole mackerel baits. These included Dog fish, Gurnard, Blond Ray, Thornback Rays and Undulate Rays.
See you soon
Captain Ant
Book a boat fishing trip – 0789 647 1691
We only offer the whole boat for charter so the cost is the same if you bring 1 or 7 passengers it’s only you and your guests.
See the Kestrel Warrior 6 contact page.

Fishing Reports – Ketsrel Warrior Charter Boat
Fishing reports for our charter boat are now available for the Brighton, Newhaven and Eastbourne areas. Kestrel Warrior charter fishing boat reports are updated weekly, so be sure to check back often for the latest information.