Start of the fishing trip – conditions
As you all well know by now. The weather along the south coast this year has been so difficult. We have abandoned quite a few trips this year but have continued to do our trips regardless as the bills must be paid. Hitting the cafe at 0900 hours I decided to go bass fishing at anchor as the tides were too big.

The boat’s first stop.
The first port of call was to find some bait. So with that, I fired up the big girl and headed out to sea where it was lovely and flat like it should be this time of the year. With the temperature due to hit 30c that day. I thought I would put on my sun cream but could not find it for the life of me. By the time we got to our first mark to collect the bait, I was sweating buckets. Nonetheless, we still managed to get a good number of mackerel for bait.

Straight to the wreck
After some great fun and sports catching the bait. we headed out to sea to fish for just 4 hours as this is what the customer had booked. we stuck the anchor down to see what was about. using a long flowing trace with a 5o hook tied to 20 lbs florocarben. and a mackerel head as bait. once the boat had settled we started to get the rods out 1 by 1 all fishing the same method. as the tide dropped off we got a few bites landing 1 bass and a dog fish.

Tide has turned
Once the tide started to drop I noticed a black dot hurtling toward us. it was a dive boat. Who did not attempt to make any contact with us to dive? if they had called up on VHF channel 08 I would have spoken to them. People who know me know how approachable I am. As the tide turned we caught a few more bass. But by this time it was time to head back to port as our time was up. Total tally 8 bass not bad for a 3-hour trip.
See you soon
Captain Ant
Book a boat fishing trip – 0789 647 1691
We only offer the whole boat for charter so the cost is the same if you bring 1 or 7 passengers it’s only you and your guests.
See the Kestrel Warrior 6 contact page.

Fishing Reports – Ketsrel Warrior Charter Boat
To ensure that you are always up-to-date with the latest fishing reports for the Brighton, Newhaven, and Eastbourne areas, we highly recommend regularly checking in with the Kestrel Warrior charter fishing boat. Their expertise and experience in the field guarantee reliable and accurate information that you can use to plan your next fishing trip with confidence. Don’t miss out on the latest updates – stay informed with Kestrel Warrior.